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Version 1. An examination of menus from a beginner's point of view. A discussion of the OS menu object from a beginner's viewpoint. I take you through the basics to a more advanced understanding of menus and how to interact with them from code. Gives you total control when it comes to resizing windows. This article presents a new socket wrapper class specifically designed for the WinCE PokcetPC platform that solves the issues of asynchronous notifications and more. A skinned button class with clipping region, tooltip and mouse tracking.

NET Library. An article on accessing a VB. Screen Color Picker. A simple application that retrieves the color codes from any area of your screen, with some cool options. Using Scintilla for syntax coloring in MFC. The article describes how to use the scintilla control in a MFC application to display syntax coloring information. This control simulates clouds with scrolling text and can be used as an aboutbox.

Tree ComboBox Control. This article explains the potential problems with having multiple pending recvs calls on a single socket. How to get plain text session using CryptoAPI. A CTreeCtrl derived class that populates the branches of a tree only when necessary, with optional visual effects.

A fully stocked owner drawn CStatic class. RC no MFC. This article will describe steps required to power on remote machines in a local area network.

Arabic Support for Windows CE. This article explains how to support the Arabic language in your applications written for Windows CE. A class to download files from the net. A simple class to ease the task of downloading files from the net.

How to programmatically use the Recycle Bin. An article on how to access the content of the RecycleBin, track its changes and deal with its functionnalities delete-restore. Adding Icons to the System Tray. A class for adding icons to the system tray.

CSplashScreenEx allows to display a non rectangular bitmap with information about the init of your app. A custom draw CListCtrl with subitem editing and formatting. Some interesting customization techniques are presented for making the 'File' common dialogs read-only.

CNumSpinCtrl - a simple numeric spin control. Numeric spin control for working with real numbers. Put anything you want in a ToolTip. An owner-drawn button class that gives a professional look to your buttons.

A step-by-step description of how to drag and drop files between your application and Explorer windows. XScrollBar is a scroll bar that may be displayed with optional thumb color, thumb gripper, and channel color. A custrom-draw virtual list control. XFolderDialog provides a folder selection dialog like that used in MS Word, and includes persistent list view type. AutoComplete without IAutoComplete. Two classes that make easy to work with ODBC.

A framework to allow public web services to be used as objects in your application. XIcon - an MFC control to display text and icon. Enumdesk Clones. Retrieving shell icons. Get shell icons, even if they're customized. Multiple Toolbars in the PocketPC Handling multiple toolbars - Pocket Word-style.

A simple template FIFO buffer. Pulses event when new data is added to the back of the FIFO. Setting the row count of a tool bar. Floating a CToolBar with a given number of rows to be displayed is tricky. Overcome window flicker while dragging with CImageList. Gribble1 - CWnd goes full screen. This brief tutorial shows how to use a CWnd in 'full screen' mode, and provides a framework for investigating some simple Windows graphic calls.

This article shows how to read into a. Ownerdraw Tab Controls - Borders and All. A framework for overriding all aspects of a tab control's apprearance, including the borders, the background and of course the tabs themselves. A link-library and its interface class to create, load and modify DXF files. A fully customizable PropertyGrid. A grid to display and edit properties of objects as in Visual Studio. System Scanner. This application allows you to get more information about the processes running in your system.

Embeddable script editor for MFC applications. File tree control allowing selection of multiple files and folders. MFC tree control showing the files in a manner similar to the left-hand side of Windows Explorer, but allowing selection of multiple files and folders for further processing in your program.

Introduction to RPC - Part 2. An introduction to context handles in RPC. A control that combines an edit control for entering a file or directory name, and a browse button that brings up a dialog for choosing a file or folder. MultiCopier Software. The fastest, easy way to copy files from different folders at the same time.

How to make a performance meter that looks like the one in Windows Task Manager. Peer to peer video conference application. Various methods for capturing the screen. Explains techniques for capturing the screen programmatically. XFile extends the Win32 file functions with a non-MFC class that includes functions to implement file rollover, file shrinking, file compare, buffered writes, mapped file reads, zipping, and automatic file size limits. VS File Finder. A Visual Studio add-in to help navigate around large projects.

An extended tab control that allows tab pages to be added from dialog resources. XProgressWnd is a popup progress window that display a progress control and optional AVI animation and estimated time left, without requiring a dialog resource. Docking Toolbars Side-By-Side. Demonstrates how to dock toolbars side-by-side. CKnobControlST v1. Auto-Incrementing Build Numbers. Describes a way to automatically generate an application build number.

Tabbed Dialog Box Class. A docking dialog that auto-expands when the mouse passes over it. Is this computer's clock slow or is it just me? A small utility which refreshes the icons in your IE favorites menu.

It can also display an icon with or without text. The Practical Guide to Multithreading - Part 1. Learn from this guide how and when - as well as when not - to use multithreading.

Changing Row Height in an owner drawn Control. XFxDetect - A utility to detect which versions of. Net are installed. XFxDetect inspects registry and file system of local or remote computer to determine which versions of.

Net Framework are installed. Infrared Communication with your Mobile Phone. Learn how to make your Pocket PC speak with your mobile phone. Color Take. An article on getting the colors of pixels from the desktop. An ActiveX control for 2D data visualisation. Allows you to implement a scanning interface. SplitterCtrl - A control for the partition of some window by several parts. In this article, you will learn about a control that is necessary for the partition of the dialog, main or child window of your program by several parts.

An article about the MPEG audio frame header. CPPMessageBox v1. Create a movie from an HBitmap. Sound recording and encoding in MP3 format. An article describing the technique of recording sound from waveform-audio input devices and encoding it in MP3 format. A control for easy property control. An article on how to combine Slider Controls and Progress bar into one class using custom draw.

An article on designing your own robot simulator. Step-by-step creation of a custom ListBox control from a generic CWin. A general purpose ruler control. This is a demostration of a general purpose ruler control in use. It consist of 2 apps and the ActiveX control itself. Control code is included. Library for creating autonomous agents that have fun life-like behaviors.

CFileDialogST v1. Scientific Data Visualizer. ActiveX component for 3D visualization, embedded in different client applications. Capturing the Mouse. A robust mechanism for sending CString objects to windows within the current process.

CWndSliderView - An animated child window manager. An article on using an Outlook style window slider control. Image Cataloguer. Automatically catalogue images based on modified date.

STL WebServer. A set of classes written in STL that implement a web server. This article describes using a Wiki for knowledge sharing and database schema documentation. Multiline Hyper Edit Control. A multiline hyper edit control derived from CEdit. CShortcut Shell links to special folders.

CListCtrl and Displaying a Tooltip. Examples of how to implement tooltips in the MFC list control. Search for files by name, size, date, text contents. The search can be performed in a single folder or including it's subfolders. PJ Naughter's Freeware Library. A collection of articles that provide freeware classes covering GUIs, networking, wrapper classes and general code snippets.

Programming Self-generating Code for Windows Applications. Symbolic Differentiation. This article demonstrates differentiating expressions using a stack and displaying the input expression and its derivative. Another Report List Control. A report style CListCtrl supporting sorting, sub-item editing, sub-item image, sub-item color etc. History ComboBox. CComboBox with support for item history. This article introduces a convenient class for hooking into idle processing.

A useful set of separators. Some dialog boxes separators that replace group boxes. Includes code to create a virtual list control that also displays bitmaps from files at run time. Progress Control with Text. A smooth progress control with text. A CStatic derived control that allows multiple layers of bitmaps to be displayed or hidden in the same control. Drawing an Image as a 3-D Surface. Code is described for drawing an image as a 3D surface plot using OpenGL. Splasher v1. An improved splash screen component for MFC.

CPPHtmlStatic v1. Network Development Kit 2. Network Development Kit is a set of simple classes for a client-server architecture. Enhance your dynamic memory allocation with an undocumented MFC class. This article describes how to improve dynamic allocation performance on a class basis in a non-intrusive way with an undocumented MFC utility class. Capture an HTML document as an image. Capturing HTML documents as images. CPPDumpCtrl - version 1. An article on a simple syntax coloring control. Universal Console Redirector.

Launch a console process from your GUI app and receive its output, even from Win9x. Getting and setting desktop folder names. Enhanced Progress Bar Control. An enhanced progress control that supports gradient shading, formatted text, animation, tooltips, shape, 'snake' and reverse modes, and vertical modes. MFC issues. Windows Style Wizards. Create Windows style Wizards with white backgrounds. Class for reading HID devices like joystick or gamepad - very simple, to be used for robotics.

Synchronization of scrolling between two list controls. This simple example shows the synchronization of scrolling of two list controls. Creating Flyout Toolbars. The sub-toolbar will popup if the user clicks on that button a little bit longer. This tutorial is all about installing the developed extension agent DLL. The theory and practice of developing server applications. An article describing how to use the Win32 SDK to subclass controls, and to give them a custom appearance using owner draw.

A font chooser dialog for the Pocket PC. Implementing a font chooser dialog with preview and ClearType support. A splitter control derived from CStatic for dialog controls, and that can be used not only within the restricted splitter pane.

An application that stores and manages useful code snippets and keeps them always handy. An introduction to lex and yacc part 2. Using lex and yacc to create parsers for your projects. A custom label has been added to the dialog that informs the user when a monospaced font is selected in the combobox, and bold typeface is used to highlight monospaced fonts in the combobox list. Implementing AI for the Target Number game using a genetic algorithm.

NET assembly viewer. An application to examine. NET assemblies both directly and with reflection. An article showing how to easily but effectively extract all frames from a video as bitmaps. CPath - juggling file names made easy. XEditPrompt - CEdit-derived control with web-like prompt. XEditPrompt implements an edit control with built-in prompt and text color, just like you see on web pages. How to Browse for a Folder. Every wizard uses variables to understand what kind of decisions must be made, and it achieves this through a particular member of the main AppWizard SimpleApplicationWizardAw class that is a 'dictionary'.

That keeps trace of the variables needed by the wizard. These variables are then got by the framework during the creation of an application in order to do something or not to do. As seen for the Screen Saver AppWizard, the Wizard needs files as templates to create the appropriate application.

There are two files that are always present: confirm. Download the dynbtn. This is only partially true. While windows provides the function to perform this navigation, the program is responsible for calling the function.

The IsDialogMessage function is the function which an application must call for 'normal' dialog-box processing. This function must be part of the message-processing loop. Since this function will perform all the necassary translating and dispatching of messages, the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage functions must not be called if this function returns true. If you're using MFC, then the best place to insert the call to this function would be in the PreTranslateMessage function, which should be added via ClassWizard to your view class.

For example:. Information about creating controls dynamically. Normally, you can tell where a user clicks a bitmap a hot-spot by comparing the user's click position with certain pre-defined rectangles of a bitmap.

But, for some bitmaps, such as photo-style bitmaps, the regions that a user can click on are not rectangular, and are therefore harder to determine. The solution to the problem detailed here, originally appeared in a PC magazine article, but I can't recall the author. Full credit goes to that author.

The trick to handling non-rectangular 'hot-spots' for a bitmap, is to have 2 bitmaps: 1 bitmap serves as what the user will be looking at. The other bitmap serves as a 'look-up' bitmap. The 'lookup-bitmap' is the only one that should require further explanation, and is the basis for this approach. The lookup bitmap is a copy of the original, displayed bitmap. However, in a paint program, you have gone into it and 'blocked-out' the hot-spots with specific colors.

For example, imagine there is an image with a map of the United states. In the lookup bitmap with a paint program , you completely color in each state with a unique color use solid, not dithered, colors. While it's helpful to know the color values for the colors you have picked for each state, it's not that hard to determine them with a few changes to your program.

Once the lookup bitmap has been created and saved, it's loaded, and selected into a memory device context, just as if you were going to display it but you won't display it. See ShowBitmap. The display bitmap is displayed, as usual. In this function, you will receive as a parameter, the location of where the mouse was clicked.

You now take the location of that mouse click, and call the GetPixel function for the memory device context with it.

This will look into the look-up bitmap and retrieve whatever color is at that spot. Since each state in the lookup bitmap has a unique solid color, you can now identify which state was clicked, by the color that is returned. There is a demo available for download. There are a couple steps here. Then, create a new class using class wizard for the dialog, making sure that it is derived from a CDialog class.

ClassWizard should let you pick the dialog once you've specified that it's derived from a CDialog. Now, with that new password class, add the following to the InitInstance of your Application object it's derived from CWinApp, and will have the same name as your program in the form C Name App :. That should do it. Now if the user clicks cancel in the login dialog, the program will terminate and proceed no further. We still have to decide how the login and password are checked. You can get information from a CRecordSet, or a data file, or from the system itself if you're on a network depending on the network.

I would suggest that whatever validation code you create be placed in the OnOK function for your new dialog class. This way it's centralized, and you only need to add this class ad the above 2 lines of code to perform future logon validation. How can I have my program start up with a minimized or maximized main window? There are a couple methods to resize the main window CMainFrame in your project to a specific size. In reality, a radio button is accompanied by one or more other radio buttons that appear and behave as a group.

A checkbox is a Windows control that allows the user to set or change the value of an item as true or false. An Image List is a collection of same-sized images, each of which can be referred to by its zero-based index. Image lists are used to efficiently manage large sets of icons or bitmaps. Image lists are represented by CImageList class. An Edit Box is a rectangular child window in which the user can enter text.

It is represented by CEdit class. A Rich Edit Control is a window in which the user can enter and edit text. The text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting, and can include embedded OLE objects.

It is represented by CRichEditCtrl class. A group box is a static control used to set a visible or programmatic group of controls. The control is a rectangle that groups other controls together. A Spin Button Control also known as an up-down control is a pair of arrow buttons that the user can click to increment or decrement a value, such as a scroll position or a number displayed in a companion control.

A progress bar control is a window that an application can use to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation. It consists of a rectangle that is gradually filled, from left to right, with the system highlight color as an operation progresses. It is represented by CProgressCtrl class. A progress bars is a window that an application can use to indicate the progress of a operation. A timer is a non-spatial object that uses recurring lapses of time from a computer or fromyour application.

To work, every lapse of period, the control sends a message to the operating system. Unlike most other controls, the MFC timer has neither a button to represent it nor a class.

To create a timer, you simply call the CWnd::SetTimer method. This function call creates a timer for your application. Like the other controls, a timer uses an identifier. The date and time picker control CDateTimeCtrl implements an intuitive and recognizable method of entering or selecting a specific date. The main interface of the control is similar in functionality to a combo box. However, if the user expands the control, a month calendar control appears by default , allowing the user to specify a particular date.

When a date is chosen, the month calendar control automatically disappears. The Image editor has an extensive set of tools for creating and editing images, as wellas features to help you create toolbar bitmaps.

A Slider Control also known as a trackbar is a window containing a slider and optional tick marks. When the user moves the slider, using either the mouse or the direction keys, the control sends notification messages to indicate the change. It is represented by CSliderCtrl class. A scrollbar is a graphical control element with which continuous text, pictures or anything else can be scrolled in two directions along a control by clicking an arrow.

It is represented by CScrollBar class. A Tree View Control is a window that displays a hierarchical list of items, such as the headings in a document, the entries in an index, or the files and directories on a disk. Each item consists of a label and an optional bitmapped image, and each item can have a list of subitems associated with it. By clicking an item, the user can expand and collapse the associated list of subitems.

It is represented by CTreeCtrl class. Encapsulates the functionality of a List View Control, which displays a collection of items each consisting of an icon from an image list and a label. It is represented by CListCtrl class. A list control consists of using one of four views to display a list of items.

An application is made of various objects. Most of the time, more than one application is running on the computer and the operating system is constantly asked to perform some assignments. Because there can be so many requests presented unpredictably, the operating system leaves it up to the objects to specify what they want, when they want it, and what behavior or result they expect.

The Microsoft Windows operating system cannot predict what kinds of requests one object would need to be taken care of and what type of assignment another object would need.

Since Windows is a message-oriented operating system, a large portion of programming for the Windows environment involves message handling. Each time an event such as a keystroke or mouse click occurs, a message is sent to the application, which must then handle the event. There are different types of Windows messages like creating a window, showing a window etc.

Here are some of the commonly used windows messages. One of the main features of a graphical application is to present Windows controls and resources that allow the user to interact with the machine. Examples of controls that we will learn are buttons, list boxes, combo boxes, etc. One type of resource we introduced in the previous lesson is the menu. Such controls and resources can initiate their own messages when the user clicks them.

A message that emanates from a Windows control or a resource is called a command message. A keyboard is a hardware object attached to the computer. By default, it is used to enter recognizable symbols, letters, and other characters on a control. Each key on the keyboard displays a symbol, a letter, or a combination of those, to give an indication of what the key could be used for.

The user typically presses a key, which sends a signal to a program. Each key has a code that the operating system can recognize. This code is known as the virtual key code. The mouse is another object that is attached to the computer allowing the user to interact with the machine.

Now, when you release the right button of the mouse, it will display the following message. ActiveX is not a programming language, but rather a set of rules for how applications should share information. A drive is a physical device attached to a computer so it can store information.

A logical disk, logical volume or virtual disk VD or vdisk for short is a virtual device that provides an area of usable storage capacity on one or more physical disk drive s in a computer system. One of the primary operations you will want to perform is to get a list of drives on the computer. To support drives on a computer, the Win32 library provides the GetLogicalDrives function of Microsoft Window, which will retrieve a list of all drives on the current computer.

In computing, a directory is a file system cataloging structure which contains references to other computer files, and possibly other directories. Directory is a physical location. It can handle operations not available on a drive. Here is the implementation of delete button event handler. Here is the implementation of move button event handler in which we will create first new directory and then move the Dir2 to that directory.

Most of the file processing in an MFC application is performed in conjunction with a class named CArchive. The CArchive class serves as a relay between the application and the medium used to either store data or make it available. It allows you to save a complex network of objects in a permanent binary form usually disk storage that persists after those objects are deleted.

Called from the Serialize function to determine the version of the object that is being deserialized. Places objects in the map that are not serialized to the file, but that are available for subobjects to reference.

Reads or writes the class reference to the CArchive object depending on the direction of the CArchive. Sets the size to which the load array grows. Must be called before any object is loaded or before MapObject or ReadObject is called. Sets the hash table size and the block size of the map used to identify unique objects during the serialization process.

As you click Open, observe that the same text is loaded again. The MFC library provides its own version of file processing. This is done through a class named CStdioFile.

It can handle the reading and writing of Unicode text files as well as ordinary multi-byte text files. Run the same application. When you click Open, the same text loads again. It allows you to make distinct the different parts that compose a computer program including what the user sees as part of your application and the document a user would work on. This is done through a combination of separate classes that work as an ensemble.

Put together, these entities make up a usable application. A view is the platform the user is working on to do his or her job.

To let the user do anything on an application, you must provide a view, which is an object based on the CView class. You can either directly use one of the classes derivedfrom CView or you can derive your own custom class from CView or one of its child classes. A document is similar to a bucket. For a computer application, a document holds the user's data. To create the document part of this architecture, you must derive an object from the CDocument class.

As the name suggests, a frame is a combination of the building blocks, the structure, and the borders of an item. A frame gives "physical" presence to a window. It also defines the location of an object with regards to the Windows desktop. This means that the application cannot display more than one document at a time. If you want to view another type of document of the current application, you must create another instance of the application.

An application is referred to as a Multiple Document Interface , or MDI, if the user can open more than one document in the application without closing it. To provide this functionality, the application provides a parent frame that acts as the main frame of the computer program.

Inside this frame, the application allows creating views with individual frames, making each view distinct from the other. Let us look into a simple example of multiple document interface or MDI by creating a new MFC dialog based application. Strings are objects that represent sequences of characters. Following are some important features of CString.

Concatenation and comparison operators, together with simplified memory management, make CString objects easier to use than ordinary character arrays. Removes any overhead of this string object by freeing any extra memory previously allocated to the string. You can create a string by either using a string literal or creating an instance of CString class. You can create an empty string by either using an empty string literal or by using CString::Empty method. You can also check whether a string is empty or not using Boolean property isEmpty.

To find the length of the string you can use the CString::GetLength method, which returns the number of characters in a CString object. CArray is a collection that is best used for data that is to be accessed in a random or non sequential manner. CArray class supports arrays that are like C arrays, but can dynamically shrink and grow as necessary.

You can decide whether to fix the upper bound or enable the array to expand when you add elements past the current bound. To create a collection of CArray values or objects, you must first decide the type of values of the collection. You can use one of the existing primitive data types such as int, CString, double etc. To add an item you can use CArray::Add function.

It adds an item at the end of the array. In the OnInitDialog , CArray object is created and three names are added as shown in the following code. To retrieve any item, you can use the CArray::GetAt function.

This function takes one integer parameter as an index of the array. To add item in the middle of array you can use the CArray InsertAt function. It takes two paramerters — First, the index and Second, the value. When the above code is compiled and executed, you will see the following output. You can now see the name Allan dded as the second index.

To update item in the middle of array you can use the CArray SetAt function. You can now see that the value of third element is updated. You can now see that we have retrieved element from the 2 nd array and the output is the same because we have used the copy function. To remove any particular item, you can use CArray::RemoveAt function. To remove all the element from the list, CArray::RemoveAll function can be used.

You can now see that the name Allan is no longer part of the array. A linked list is a linear data structure where each element is a separate object. Each element we will call it a node of a list comprises two items — the data and a reference to the next node. The last node has a reference to null. A linked list is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence.

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Mfc appwizard exe free download


Requires only four lines of code to be added to your application and works with all versions of Microsoft Windows. No MFC. A class used to manipulate and convert decimal and fractional data.

Xtreme Toolkit Professional Edition. Xtreme Toolkit Professional Edition gives your application a rock solid presentation that includes Office style themes, Office style menu and toolbar customization, Visual Studio. NET style tear off tabs and auto hide panes. The Ultimate Grid Home Page. The Ultimate Grid is now Open Source. UMLEditor - revisiting the vector editor. How Target Eye's Auto updating mechanism allows a silent update of an application from identifying newer versions, downloading them and running them instead of the old one.

Calendar Plug-in for. Describes all aspects of MFC serialization mechanism. Professional User Interface Suite. MFC extension library enabling software to be provided with a professional UI.

Setting the width of the dropdown list. A simple tutorial explaining how to set the width of a combo dropdown list so that all items are fully visible.

Introducing Comet. A Realtime Logfile Viewer. Part two of the logging service - the viewer. How to make owner-draw buttons handle default state.

You can use this to display either a standard groupbox or a header-only groupbox. MS Outlook style miniature calendar control. A custom CWnd derived control which simulates the functionality of the MS Outlook mini calendar control.

A class that enables you to easily retrieve a file's version information. Attaching and Detaching Objects.

Attaching and detaching MFC objects to and from Windows objects. A class that draws an image with various options - transparently, disabled or grayscale, centered on or stretched to fit a given rectangle. CTreePropSheetEx is an extension of CTreePropSheet offering new features such as resizing, skipping empty pages, and new property frames such as Office option sheet. XSuperTooltip implements class for displaying super tooltips, which were introduced in Office The demo download includes super tooltip code generator, that makes it easy to add super tooltips to your application.

A set of classes used to send keystrokes to a selected window. List ComboBox Control. Balloon Help as a non-modal replacement for MessageBox. Although sometimes useful, message boxes used to display information are often just annoying. This article describes a non-modal replacement. Digital Display CStatic control. An article on the Digital Display Control. CWnd Helper Class. Class with static functions and nested classes to make working with CWnd-derived objects easier.

A set of classes to ease the development of resizable windows with MFC. Formula Editor. Formula-editor for editing and exporting mathematical content. An introduction to using Semaphores. Simple Snap-to-Grid cursor to your graphics application. Simple Class to add Snap-to-Grid capability to a Windows drawing program. An MFC class to implement single instance apps.

Prototype SIMD vectorized code effortlessly. Advanced customization of WebBrowser Control in Dialog based app. Discover WEB. Style Toolkit - Use advanced graphics techniques to create a custom user interface. The Style Toolkit allows you to modernize the look of your programs using gradients, transparency, PNG images, and more. Crystal Edit - syntax coloring text editor. A set of classes that provide an expandable framework for the syntax coloring text editor.

The goal of this article is to describe a more or less generic way to access. CGradient and CGradientCtrl. A pair of classes for rendering and editing colourful washes. AdvComboBox - Version 2. A Combobox in which the user can resize the drop window. Can be standard style or flat style.

Implements a tree control similar to the left hand side of Windows Explorer. Using the WebBrowser control, simplified. Creating a Self Extracting Executable. A class that allows you to create self extracting executables for use in distribution or setup programs.

Surviving the Release Version. Learn about the issues and differences between Debug and Release builds. SkinControls 1. A self-contained, user-extensible, application-wide skinning architecture for Windows controls.

An LED Style display control and bar control. A control to display time, floating point numbers or integers using an LED digital-style display. Add basic exception handling and crash reporting to your application.

A service to manage and create logfiles. A service, and client code, to manage and create logfiles. Building old MFC app in. Message Management. Learn effective methods for managing your user-defined messages.

In this article, you will learn about an adjustable control that has zooming and scrolling tabs, dragging with the mouse, custom drawing and much more. Memory reallocation generated by string concatenations can create performance bottlenecks. NET has System.

StringBuilder, JavaScript has Array. CNTService v1. How to verify the bar state info. Verify the bar state info in the application profile before calling LoadBarState. A bitmapped progress bar in a status bar with optional completion status message. K3DSurf: Math for fun. K3DSurf is a program to visualize and manipulate multidimensional surfaces by using Mathematical equations. Delay MessageBox with auto-close option.

This message box delays its dismissal by disabling the OK button for a delay interval. It also has an optional auto-close feature. The other one is more MFC-ied. Dynamic child window positioning.

Describes a method to implement resizable child windows. Creating draggable windows - SDI and dialogs. Shows how you can create windows that can be dragged around, not just through the title bar, but anywhere within the window body.

The Ultimate Toolbox Home Page. The Ultimate Toolbox is now Open Source. Drag and Drop Listbox Items. Rearrange listbox items using drag and drop without OLE. Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten Digits. A convolutional neural network achieves KeePass Password Safe. KeePass is a free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager.

The main goal consists of being able to. CPPToolTip v2. A class that allows you to display your data for a control as tooltip. Adding a status bar to an MFC dialog. Shows how you can have status bars in your dialog based apps. Diff Tool. A simple diff tool, usable on arbitrary file formats, with a nice HTML rendering. Hyperlink control. A simple drop-in hyperlink control. Some functions for calculating loans and car leases.

Maybe not exciting, but definitely handy. A permuted index keyword-in-context generator. Generating and displaying a permuted index keyword-in-context index from text entries. A sophisticated color picker control.

MFC Grid control 2. A fully featured MFC grid control for displaying tabular data. The grid is a custom control derived from CWnd. An index of all the articles in the Idiot's Guide.

Yet Another Thread Monitor. Tiny CMD. With this utility you can simply find memory leaks CRT and COM in your program with almost no time-cost during runtime. Each leak is written to a file with the callstack of the allocation. Creation of Multiple Dynamic Views. True Colour Developer Studio Addin. NET Application. With this tool the developer can define the application prerequisites and install the correct version of these components in the correct order based on the user operating system type and language, allow the user to download these components from the web or install these components directly.

How Target Eye's screen capturing mechanism works. Simple Splitter with CWnd-derived Panes. A splitter window class, which combines the basic CSplitterWnd functionality and professional look with the ability to use CWnd-derived panes.

A brief discussion on how to use a few of the functions in the IP Helper suite. Autocomplection in RichEdit Control. A control that allows to use an autocomplection feature in RichEdit controls as the one in Visual Studio. A Microsoft scandisk like control in terms of its UI that lets you put a series of blocks on screen. The Practical Guide to Multithreading - Part 2. More of practical situations to use multithreading!

Unmanaged to Managed Calls. Call managed code from unmanaged code. A feature rich vector editor skeleton. Telnet Console Application. A console based telnet application. Gribble2 - CGribbleWnd goes blitting. Some full screen blitting leads to yet another look at Windows painting messages. InjLib - A library that implements remote code injection for all Windows versions. A library that implements remote code injection for all Windows versions. Routines for displaying image files.

Developing a SOHO web filter step by step. The main goal of this article is to explain the practical details of low level network security programming. Creating a color cursor from a bitmap. A Beginner's Guide to the Linked List. An article showing the basics of the linked list, and how the CList class operates. Print ListCtrl on multiple pages. With the update, you can highlight all matching words! CString and std::string Integration. CString only projects can convert to STL std::string.

Designing a Windows Control - Part 1. How to design a commercial quality Windows control. A Draft Implementation of an Idea for. Win32 file name iteration STL way. This simple class shows how to iterate file names by using STL iterator interface. How to implement a scrollable child dialog. A simple animation example which is used to show CMemDC in several modes. XSudokuWnd - a control that implements the Sudoku puzzle. Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm.

A tutorial that shows how to automatically split a view, and also how to indicate which view has the focus. CAM simulator. This program shows how a CN machine works.

Using the IE 5 built-in progress dialog. A wrapper class for the progress dialog provided by IE 5. An easy use of owner drawn menu with variable styles like new Office products with titles, shading and icons.

Detect image skew angle and deskew image. High-speed Charting Control. A flexible charting control to display 2D data. A new progress bar for all occassions Signal Segmentation Algorithm of Radhakrishnan, et al. Ported to C and C. The algorithm presented by Radhakrishnan, et al. An Asteroid's clone which needs some work but will illustrate some points about writing games.

Multiple consoles for a single application. Sometimes, it's not enough to have only a single console window for your applcation Using CRgn with print preview. CRgn objects need translating, to work correctly in print preview. The article describes the use of Haar-like wavelet features for ultra fast object detection using a cascade of artificial neural network classifiers.

A new and unique approach to the perennial problem of how to change the default appearance of Windows menus. Simple database catalog access using a set of ADOX classes.

Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a ButtonFly. There's no reason the buttons used as part of your programs' UI shouldn't be beautiful and practical at the same time. Debug Tutorial Part 2: The Stack. Introduction to the most important ally in the fight against bugs, the stack. Answering machine TAPI 2. A generic MFC breadcrumb controller that shows a clickable breadcrumb list. Implementing an autocompleting Combobox. A combobox that autocompletes as you type. An article on making the MFC framework do the work for you when creating views based on CView or its derivatives.

Design by Contract Framework. A C library that implements Design by Contract. Step-by-step creation of a custom Tree control from a CStatic control, implementing basic functionality, eye-candy font, bitmap background, etc. XGradientZoneBar displays an indicator bar that allows you to specify multiple zones that are filled with a color gradient, and includes APIs to set the bar orientation, font, and tick marks.

This is a simple tool to walk MIB tree. It also demonstrates receiving traps along with client side SNMP requests. Two animation provider classes to add animation effects to any CWaitingTreeCtrl-derived class. Using PreSubclassWindow. PreSubclassWindow is a very nice handler to use for certain effects in dialogs. CButtonST v3. A fully featured owner-draw button class - it's got the lot!

Understanding CDockablePane. A good reference for CDockablePane. CString Management. Learn how to effectively use CStrings. Chris Maunder's CGridCtrl had been modified to accomodate merged cells and freezed panes, now it has the cool feature of Horizontal Smooth Scrolling and Composite Cell to show a minigrid inside a single cell.

How to add your own text to the status bar control using MFC. This is an attempt to create a control which looks like the credits of the Star Wars movies. Using OpenGL to map the virtual memory address space. Stacked Windows Control Tutorial.

Step-by-step development of a stacked-windows control. How to replace recursive functions using stack and while-loop to avoid the stack-overflow.

This article explains 10 rules steps for replacing the recursive functions using stack and while-loop to avoid the stack-overflow.

Plot Graphic Library. A library to plot data lines, maps Timestamp - A utility to change a files "Modified" time. A simple utility to change a file - or multiple files - "Modified" time. CFolderDialog - Selecting Folders. The CFolderDialog class allows you to add a folder-selection dialog box to your applications.

A class for displaying animated GIFs and more. An article on an easy and neat way to include options, preferences, or settings into your applications. A control to display text or numbers with a 14 or 7 segment display.

Another approach for limiting application instance. An article on writing thumbnail shell extensions for your MFC document types. Callbacks, Threads, and MFC. Learn how to use callbacks and threads with MFC. Add Radio support to your desktop. A simple solution for validation of MFC forms. Web Based Winamp Controller. Producing translucent dialog boxes and windows without flickering. Enhancing window fade-in to render common controls correctly and to allow the window to remain transparent after the fade-in.

How to find a doctemplate object given its resource identifier. A useful function to find the doctemplate object by its numeric resource identifier in a MFC application. A bevelline with horizontal and vertical text. A bevelline control that displays vertical and horizontal text. Control Subclassing. This article explains how to subclass controls so that they act and look the way you desire. It uses a listbox as an example. In this first article of a four-part series on learning everything you ever wanted to know about programming the Windows Clipboard, you'll discover the basic steps of using the Clipboard API to transfer simple ANSI text to and from the Clipboard.

A flowchart editor with linked objects, based on CDiagramEditor. CWebUpdate 1. An easy updating method with a small foot print. This is an alternative for "A set of ADO classes - version 2. XAnalogClock - a skinnable analog clock.

XAnalogClock displays a nice-looking skinnable analog clock in a small memory footprint. Visualizing Fractals. Visualizing the Mandelbrot set using multiple threads of execution. NET Session object. This article discusses the problems and the available solutions for maintenance and utilization of ASP. NET session state of the. NET session object. An article on finding out an active IE or Explorer window or creating one and controlling it.

Programming the MS Agent Control. Programming an animated agent similar to the office assistant. Remote shell daemon Rshd. Example to shutdown all computers on the LAN automatically. Entirely OpenCV code. NET Product Manager. Multiple Selection in a File Dialog.

Shows how to do multiple file selection in a file dialog without having to worry about the size of the buffers. Win32 Dialog Helpers. Easy support for dialog resizing and ActiveX controls. Utility that allows sedning of window messages to a selected window from both MessageSender and target window thread context.

Another non-rectangular button class. A CWnd-derived control that can attach itself to any window, without the programmer making provisions for it. A class based on CFileDialog that provides easy image preview. Browse your images with a file open dialog and see what you've selected. Some handy dialog box tricks, tips and workarounds. Hidden modal dialogs, stealing focus, always on top dialogs, going full-screen, expanding and contracting dialogs, removing task bar icon, context sensitive help and many other useful tips and tricks.

Extending Outlook with new features. Learn how to add buttons and how to interact with Outlook. NET like Preferences Dialog. This framework introduces a property sheet, based on the original Windows property sheet derived from CPropertySheet which uses a tree control to browse the pages instead of a tab control. Taskbar Notification Dialog. Add fast user-extensible image processing support to CBitmap. Provides built-in graying, rotating, shearing, resizing, blurring, sharpening, flipping, negating and color replacement to CBitmap as well as support for user-defined processing plug-ins.

Easily instrument your code, visualize, interpret results, track optimization, compare and decide. An example of how to implement a column picker in the MFC list control. IP Announce by Email. Sends local computer's network information to a remote computer via email. Memory Map class provides IPC using shared memory.

The Policy based design provides flexibility, extensibility and easy to use class. A Ticker control. Multimedia PeakMeter Control. Multimedia PeakMeter control -. NET version. Rollup Control. Benchmark start-up and system performance for. What is the start-up and system performance overhead for. Advanced Image Control. Disabling mouse input to a splitter window. Owner drawn menu with the Office XP visual style.

CSerialPort v1. A freeware MFC class for Win32 serial ports. It is an SMPP implementation of v3. Creates C code templates for PIC microcontrollers.

Two Pass Scaling using Filters. CClockST v1. Using screensavers inside the Windows Media Player. Wrapping a screensaver inside a WMP visualization plug-in. API hooking revealed. The article demonstrates how to build a user mode Win32 API spying system. An introduction to WinSock programming.

A simple TCP server is explained. XListBox is an owner-draw listbox that provides printf-style formatting and selection of text and background colors. Ever seen 3D Studio 2. Want to know how they did it? Multi-line List Control. A custom control which provides a multi-column list of items with multi-line rows. This article tries to find a way to show standard controls, ActiveX controls, translucent controls on layered windows.

Native MFC source code provided. Tree Editor. Process viewer. Lists out the details of running processes in a system, loaded drivers, loaded dlls, version of each dll and process, process times, command line, owner, priority, GDI resource usage, privileges, loaded symbols, window heirarchy, autostart app finding and more. InterSpy - An integrated Windows message trace and filter utility. A utility providing enhanced Windows message debugging. Using Internet Explorer to download files for you.

Using Worker Threads. Learn how to create and use worker threads in your applications. Office 97 style Colour Picker control. A simple drop in color chooser control. How to share a data segment in a DLL.

Using pragma statements to share variables in a DLL. How to make the CListCtrl's header Multiline. A short discussion on mapping 3D objects to a 2D display. This article describes, in simple terms, how to translate three dimensional co-ordinates into the two dimensional co-ordinates to be displayed on a screen. Category Listbox. Control to mimic behavior of Outlook's categorized listbox. Genetic Algorithm Library. It's not actually important to create different document classes one CDocument can handle several document types.

The code you want to look at is in the InitInstance of your application object. This call registers a CDocument class and the view and file types associated with it. These are the file type and mask that appear in the file-open dialog. When you compile the program, you should see the second file extension appear on the File Open dialog.

If you actually wanted a second CDocument class to handle that file type, you would have changed the second parameter to CMultiDocTemplate to that document class name, instead of CSomeDoc.

How do I process command line arguments? If you want to parse the command line arguments to an MFC program, the recommended way is to write a class to do it. Part of the reasoning here is that MFC will automatically parse command line options like loading or printing a file. The code you want to look for is in the InitInstance of your application class it has the same. Here you will find:. This is the code that handles the file open or print for you. What you want to do is: 1.

Create a new class, derived from CCommandLineInfo 2. In your new class, add any data members needed to reflect the command line arguments. Write your own ParseParam function inside this class. You'll want to make sure that you still call the original CCommandLineInfo::ParseParam function, to handle the normal parameters that you won't be handling. After ParseCommandLine, add whatever code you need to work with the data members that were set by ParseParam, as demonstrated by JustTerminate above.

How can I change the cursor shape when the mouse moves over a child or client window? You will want to handle the OnSetCursor function for the view or dialog class that you want to control. You will be given a function called OnSetCursor. The following code demonstrates how to test for the mouse over a child window The OK button in our example , or just a specific client region the upper left corner, in our example.

Note: You can use LoadCursor to load a cursor from your resource file, so you can implement custom cursors using the resource editor. Why can't I call GetProfileString in my view or document? Therefore, you can call them in IniInstance, but not from your view or document class. To do this, you need to call the AfxGetApp function, which returns a pointer to the CWinApp used by your project it's a global, called 'TheApp', in all projects.

How can I change the background color of a Dialog? When you do this, you will be adding a function called OnCtlColor. This function will be called by MFC before each control is drawn, as well as before the dialog background is drawn. The function created will look like the following:. You should return the desired brush to draw pWnd , and select it into the pDC object. This method won't work for buttons.

To do this, you will need to make the button an Owner-Draw button, and then handle the drawing your self. Take a look at the MS Knowledge base article Q for details on how to approach this. But, be warned: Changing colors isn't recommended. People are used to seeing a specific color, and there's no gaurantee that the color scheme you find appealing will also be appealing to others.

Also, anyone who has changed there system colors, might not like your dialog 'breaking the rules', and looking different than the colors they have selected. But, if you change the icon, you also need to change the 16x16 version of it.

To do this, bring up the icon in the resource editor, and click in the 'Device' combo-box. You will then have the ability to change the resolution to 16x16, and edit the icon that MFC uses for small icons for your program.

How can I determine the IP address of the computer my app is running on? You want to look into the WSAStartup and gethostname functions. Using these functions, you can aquire a pointer to a HOSTENT structure, which contains an array of IP addresses there may be 1 for local network, and 1 for dialup networking, etc. When I create a control class derived from a normal window control class, it's Create function isn't invoked after I attach a member variable to it in a dialog.

You want this class to automatically create the columns "Name" and "BDay" for this control.. So, you add the code to do so in the Create or OnCreate mehtods of the class, then placed a List Control on a dialog, and created a 'Control' category member variable for the List and made it a CPersonList type. The problem here is that MFC is creating the List control, then attaching it to your class since you created the member variable for it.

This 'attaching' is also called 'sub-classing'. What you want to do is add the code that adds the columns into the PreSubclassWindow message of your derived class, which you can do via ClassWizard. You want to use the ShBrowseForFolder function. The following function demonstrates it's usage:. How do I use the Clipboard? By default, the Cut, Copy, and Paste options of the clipboard are disabled in your application.

Part of this has to do with the complexity of working with the Clipboard and it's ability to store a variety of data types such as bitmaps and text. See end of this topic for more details. You will have to add this handler for the Edit clipboard menu items you want to control. The following sample code demonstrates how to implement Clipboard functionality for all EDIT controls on your view. In order to simplify some of the following sample code, a helper function has been written called GetFocusClass.

Here is the helper function added to your View class :. The final custom function, which performs the clipboard operation cut, copy, or paste against any EDIT box if it has the focus :. The functions above were all added like normal functions, using ClassView not message mapped, with ClassWizard. Unfortunately, there's no two ways about it. The way the clipboard works, is an application must open the clipboard using OpenClipboard. It then calls EmptyClipboard to clear any previous contents, then SetClipboarddata to set new clipboard data.

The basic storage format for the clipboard is one memory handle, which can be a handle to any type of data. When the data is set, the application calls CloseClipboard. The application no longer owns the handle it gave to SetClipboardData. Note: There is a demo program available for download called clip. The implementation of custom tool tips can be a little complicated, but the MFC framework provides a simple interface for basic tooltip support.

The MFC Application Wizard generates the appropriate classes and files for any of these types of applications, depending on the options you select in the wizard. Once your project is created, you can view the files created in Solution Explorer. For more information about the files the wizard creates for your project, see the project-generated file ReadMe.

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